How to teach your dog to sit, stay, and come on command

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As a dog owner, teaching your furry friend basic commands such as sit, stay, and come on command is an essential part of their training. These commands not only help your dog develop good behavior but also keep them safe in potentially dangerous situations. In this article, we’ll discuss how to teach your dog to sit, stay, and come on command.

Step 1: Teach Your Dog to Sit

Teaching your dog to sit is a fundamental command that serves as the basis for many other commands. By mastering this command, your dog will learn to focus and pay attention to you. In addition, it’s a great way to help your dog remain calm and composed in different situations.

It’s important to ensure that you are using a positive reinforcement approach when teaching your dog to sit. Avoid using any negative reinforcement as it may discourage your furry friend from learning. Additionally, make sure you are using high-value treats to motivate your dog and help them associate positive feelings with the command.

  1. Hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose and slowly move it upwards, so your dog naturally moves their head up and back.
  2. As your dog’s head moves up, their rear end will naturally lower to the ground. When their butt hits the floor, say “Sit” and give them the treat.
  3. Repeat this several times a day until your dog consistently sits on command without the treat.

Step 2: Teach Your Dog to Stay

Teaching your dog to stay is a critical command that can help keep them safe in many situations. It helps to keep your dog in one place, and it can be useful when crossing a busy street, entering a veterinary clinic, or simply preventing them from running off.

To teach your dog to stay, it’s essential to start with short distances and gradually increase the distance as they become more comfortable with the command. Additionally, make sure that you are using a calm and confident voice when giving the command. With time and practice, your dog will learn to stay put until you give the release command.

  1. Position your dog in front of you to sit.
  2. Hold your hand up in front of your dog’s face like you’re telling them to stop.
  3. Say “Stay” in a firm but gentle voice and take one step back.
  4. Immediately step back towards your dog and reward them with a treat if they stay in place.
  5. As your dog becomes more comfortable with the command, gradually expand the distance between you and them.

Step 3: Teach Your Dog to Come

Teaching your dog to come on command is one of the most important commands your dog can learn. It can help prevent your dog from getting into dangerous situations, and it can help you to maintain control over them when they are off-leash.

When teaching your dog to come, it’s essential to use high-value rewards such as their favorite treats or toys to reinforce the behavior. Additionally, make sure to practice the command in different environments and situations to reinforce the behavior. With practice and consistency, your dog will learn to come when called no matter where they are.

  1. Start by standing a short distance away from your dog, and say “Come” in a happy tone of voice.
  2. Encourage your dog to come to you by patting your legs or showing them a treat.
  3. Once your dog comes to you, give them a treat and praise as a reward.
  4. Over time, gradually increase the distance between you and your dog and practice the command in diverse environments, such as the park or a bustling street.

Tips for Successful Training

To make the process of training your dog easier and more effective, it’s important to follow some essential tips. First and foremost, always use positive reinforcement, as this will help your dog to learn more quickly and enjoy the process. Additionally, make sure to keep your training sessions short and sweet, as dogs have a limited attention span.

Another important tip is to practice regularly in different environments to reinforce the behavior. This will help your dog to generalize the command and perform it in different situations. Finally, be patient and understanding with your dog as they learn, and always avoid punishing them for mistakes as it may discourage them from learning.

  1. Keep training sessions short and sweet: Dogs have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep sessions to 5-10 minutes maximum.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they perform the command correctly.
  3. Practice regularly: When it comes to training your dog, being consistent is crucial. Practice the commands several times a day in different environments to reinforce the behavior.
  4. Be patient: Some dogs learn faster than others, so be patient with your furry friend if they’re struggling with a command.
  5. Don’t punish your dog for mistakes: Punishment can be counterproductive and lead to negative behavior in your dog.


Teaching your dog to sit, stay, and come on command is an essential part of their training. These commands can help keep your furry friend safe, improve their behavior, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. By using positive reinforcement, practicing regularly, and being patient, you can help your dog to learn these commands and become a well-behaved and well-trained companion.

Note: If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our dog training services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you!

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